Upcoming Events
Hours of Operation & Contact Info
Middle School Hours
Monday - Thursday 8:40am - 3:20pm
Friday: 8:40 am - 1:00pm
High School Hours
Monday - Thursday 8:40am - 3:20pm
Friday: 8:40 am - 1:00om
Office Hours
Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Phone: 509.888.6464
Email: info@pinnaclesprep.org
Fax: 509.984.4685
Quick Links
Report an absence by emailing: attendance@pinnaclesprep.org
Menus and School Food Services
School Bus Information
Parent Square
Family Handbook (English)
Parent Handbook (Spanish)
Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying Tip
Pinnacles Prep Complaint Process
WA State Charter School Commission Complaint Process

What’s New at Pinnacles
Middle school news
Check out where we are with our dragons vs. pigeons….
Curious, confident, creative thinkers.
Here, education looks different. Our personalized approach allows students to contextualize their learning through hands-on projects using our community as their classroom.
We focus on making learning relevant, enabling students to critically think, build relationships, and navigate systems to make positive contributions to our world.
They will be college, career, and community ready. They will be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and mindsets needed to become leaders in our Valley and beyond.